Parcel 333/1, 6 bedroom, San Lazaro Village Orange Walk

Parcel/Lot #: No. 333/1

Block #: No. 4

Registration Section: San Lazaro Registration Section

Location: San Lazaro Village, Orange Walk District, Belize

Size of Land: 1367.188 S.M

Tenure: Certificate of Lease

Status: leasehold interest of PABLO TUN Surety for ROGER PABLO TUN AND PABLO TUN.

The area is a residential one and the property is located one block away from the main paved road in the village. The neighbourhood is well developed and it in close proximity of the store, water system and the school.



Development: First Floor: One Two (2) bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 dining, 1 living & 1 bath & office & laundry; 2nd floor – 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 kitchen & 1 dining, 1 living, 2 verandas.