Business Plan Consultancy


The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) invites suitably qualified consultants or consulting firms to submit proposals to undertake a Business Plan Consultancy. Download Copies of the Terms of Reference (Appendix I),  Instructions to Proposers (Appendix II) and this Page’s Content (Business Plan Consultancy) below.

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    DFC is the country’s only development finance institution. Its mission is to provide development finance and related services, which contribute to the sustainable growth of the Belizean economy.

    DFC was incorporated in British Honduras as a private sector lending institution on September 27, 1963, under the DFC Ordinance No. 2 of 1961 and Amendment No. 15 of 1963. In 1973, the Corporation was restructured as a financial institution wholly-owned by the Government of Belize, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance and Defence. DFC was again restructured in 2009, under the authority of the DFC Act No. 1 of 2009 of the Laws of Belize, to expand and strengthen the economy by providing funding on an economically sustainable and environmentally acceptable basis. It remains under the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance.

    In January 2017, the DFC Board of Directors adopted a bold new Five-year Strategic Development Plan (SDP), dubbed  “Strategy 2021 – Building Resilience Against Climate Change and Economic Volatility”. The Plan provides a comprehensive framework for DFC to positively impact economic development in Belize during the period 2017 to 2021.


    To effectively implement the SDP, the Corporation seeks to contract the services of a suitably- qualified Business Planning Expert, who, with the assistance of its Executive Management Team, will develop the Business Plan for the period 2018 to 2021. The Business Plan will include a comprehensive plan of action for credit interventions and business support services during the ensuing period. It will also include the supporting financial, marketing, technological, risk management protocols and human resource development plans, to ensure that the necessary resources required for the effective implementation of the SDP, are in place.


    To ensure knowledge sharing, the Consultant will also act in an advisory capacity, using the information provided by DFC’s management, which will include the SDP, along with published information, and apply expert knowledge of the operations of development banks to:

    1. Create an awareness of the new and impactful role development banks are playing in charting the course of development in emerging economies (especially in Latin America and the Caribbean) and initiatives required for DFC to assume that role.
    2. Advise on how proven strategies can be adopted by DFC Belize or advance new strategies that may be best suited for Belize.
    3. Advise on new and innovative types of financial instruments to fund DFC’s lending initiatives.
    4. Advise on the new thrust towards sustainability of development bank operations, taking into consideration the impact of financial and technological innovation.


    The project deliverables and delivery timelines are outlined in the Terms of Reference and Instructions to Proposers.


    Proposals will be accepted from a single consultant, a consortium of consultants, or a firm. The lead consultant(s) is expected to possess, at least the following:

    1. A post-graduate degree in one of the following disciplines:
      1. Business Science
      2. Economics and/or
      3. Financial Management
    2. At least five years of consultancy experience in strategy formulation and execution.
    3. Experience in development banking and financial engineering.

    The consultant must be able to provide verifiable proof of recent work of similar types of consultancies, along with references for such consultancies.


    Proposals are due on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 5th, 2018 at the DFC’s Headquarters, Bliss Parade, City of Belmopan, Belize.



    In submitting their proposals, proposers must respect all the instructions and specifications prescribed in the Instructions to Proposers (Appendix II).