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Loan Brochures

You can Filter and interchangeably view the most recent or the oldest file by clicking the arrow in the ‘Title’ Grey Bar.

Climate Resilient Cattle Loans
 1 file(s)  136 downloads
Loan Brochures September 26, 2022 Download
DFC Sustainable Energy Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  454 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Productive Sector Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  321 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Tourism Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  203 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Professional Services Loan Brochure
 1 file(s)  170 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC We Serve Home Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  570 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Home Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  887 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Small Business Empowered Business Loan Brochure
 1 file(s)  432 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Small Business (Regular) – Brochure
 1 file(s)  342 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Education Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  722 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download
DFC Citrus Industry Revitalization Loans Brochure
 1 file(s)  98 downloads
Loan Brochures July 13, 2022 Download

    Annual Reports

    You can Filter and interchangeably view the most recent or the oldest file by clicking the arrow in the ‘Title’ Grey Bar.

    DFC Annual Report – 2023
     1 file(s)  148 downloads
    Annual Reports July 26, 2024 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2022
     1 file(s)  148 downloads
    Annual Reports July 26, 2023 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2021
     1 file(s)  202 downloads
    Annual Reports November 16, 2022 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2020
     1 file(s)  346 downloads
    Annual Reports August 23, 2021 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2019
     1 file(s)  245 downloads
    Annual Reports November 16, 2022 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2018
     1 file(s)  336 downloads
    Annual Reports November 16, 2022 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2017
     1 file(s)  270 downloads
    Annual Reports July 23, 2018 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2016
     1 file(s)  309 downloads
    Annual Reports July 13, 2017 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2015
     1 file(s)  412 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2014
     1 file(s)  244 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2013
     1 file(s)  219 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2012
     1 file(s)  201 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2011
     1 file(s)  194 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2010
     1 file(s)  190 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download
    DFC Annual Report – 2009
     1 file(s)  187 downloads
    Annual Reports October 26, 2016 Download

      DFC Act & Regulations

      You can Filter and interchangeably view the most recent or the oldest file by clicking the arrow in the ‘Title’ Grey Bar.

      DFC ACT CHAPTER 279 Rev. Edition 2020
       1 file(s)  50 downloads
      Act & Regulations July 26, 2023 Download
      DFC Regulations – SI No. 69 of 2023
       1 file(s)  59 downloads
      Act & Regulations July 5, 2023 Download
      DFC (Amendment) Act No. 6 of 2022
       1 file(s)  54 downloads
      Act & Regulations June 23, 2023 Download

        Consolidated Financials

        You can Filter and interchangeably view the most recent or the oldest file by clicking the arrow in the ‘Title’ Grey Bar.

        DFC Audited Financial Statements for Year ended Dec. 31 2018 and 2017
         1 file(s)  150 downloads
        Consolidated Financials July 9, 2020 Download
        Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for Years Ended Dec. 31 2017 and 2016
         1 file(s)  169 downloads
        Consolidated Financials July 23, 2018 Download
        Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for Years Ended Dec. 31, 2016 and 2015
         1 file(s)  187 downloads
        Consolidated Financials May 29, 2017 Download